We’ve got a perfect solution for your car. We can flash your NBTevo iDrive 4 or 5 to the latest iDrive 6 Flash Upgrade with Fullscreen Apple Carplay activated. OEM Software Flash, works amazingly and brings your interior to the 21st century. In late 2015 (07/15), BMW updated the NBT iDrive 4 with NBTevo ID4 that had just minor adjustment. We are able to flash these NBTevo ID4 units to the newer iDrive 6 software which allows you to have Fullscreen Carplay, Android Mirroring and much more.
We recommend using Carplay for navigation etc because EVO ID4 has 2GB RAM (id5 and id6 have 4GB ram, so no problem), it may cause the unit to restart if you calculate longer distances in navigation maps. However if you’re using Carplay has no issues. Other vendors claiming that flashing ID4 to ID6 does not cause reboot is simply a false claim, but our version has lowest rate. We like to be fair to our customers and let them know about everything.
iDrive 6 ✅
Fullscreen Apple Carplay ✅
Android Screen Mirroring ✅
Video in Motion ✅
and much more
Wi-Fi Antenna in your car – either OEM (Part no.61119278133) or Aftermarket plugged to the back of the headunit – to get best CarPlay experience.
You will only need to plug WiFi antenna in the back of the headunit (process is easy and takes 10 minutes) – without that CarPlay sometimes doesn’t want to work or could be laggy. We recommend doing that for best CarPlay experience. We will send you a video how to install WiFi Antenna.
WiFi antenna is not included – you need to purchase on your own – we recommend OEM or Aftermarket.
Laptop – Windows 8 or 10 x64
Laptop RAM – minimum 4GB – recommended 8GB
Files – After purchase, go to My Account -> Downloads and you can download the required files needed for the upgrade process.
ENET Cable – You need to buy it online, or do it yourself. Click here how : ENET Cable Build
DO NOT use Ethernet to USB 2.0 Adapters. Only USB-C is accepted.
Windows C drive free space 20GB (SSD recommended)
Power Stabilizer for the car battery (We can do it without it, but is recommended to have one. If not, you will agree to do it, on your own risk!!!).
Strong Wi-Fi/Internet Connection – This ensures that the TeamViewer connection to your laptop is stable
Requirements for upgrading
ENET Cable
30GB of Free Space
Windows PC or Mac with Bootcamp
Car charger / battery tender or another car running with jumper cables.
If you have software version starting with P, Q, R, S, U, V, W, X or Y then you will need to get it coded Remotely. Remote coding requirements are below.
To Check Software Version – Go to Navigation Maps -> Press Options Button -> Go to Settings -> Go to Position & Version History – Version Information – Please contact us via Email / Skype /Facebook
Check Your Unit
Check your current Map and iDrive version
Go to Navigation -> Scroll down to Settings -> Select Position & Version -> Select Version Information
Check your current Software version
Select My Vehicle -> iDrive settings -> Software update -> Show current version
Road Map “Region” EVO = NBTevo unit
Road Map “Region” WAY = EntryNav2 unit
NBTevo_C or D or E or F or G-> upgrade to iD6 with CarPlay Full Screen is possible